Friday, June 8, 2012

being busy and piano recitals

I think know I complain too much about being busy.  I also use strikethroughs too much.  I think they are cool and reveal a little about our thinking process. :)  I also think too much about strikethroughs.

This past month has been so so busy.  It's Sunday morning...just said goodbye to Sam who is off to Boys State and the French Open just got postponed because of rain. We FINALLY got rain this morning and now the sun is shining.  A snapping turtle is laying eggs in our driveway and our rain-drenched dog finally gave up barking at it.  Life may be settling down just a bit.  This momma needs life to settle down just a bit.

I'm going to continue and finish a post that I started on May 19...

...Sam had his piano recital on Sunday (May 7). The day after confirmation. Which was a week after prom. goodness. Sam's world has gotten a lot bigger lately. That means that he is very busy and so are mom and dad. But we managed to get through an extremely busy week and nobody starved, nobody had to wear dirty stinky clothing, nobody broke their neck tripping over bags/shoes/you-name-it, and nobody said words to each other that they regret can't live with. We made it.

The piano recital was fantastic. Do you know how happy I am that 2 out of 3 of my boys play the piano? I tried my best to get Isaac to try it but ever since he was little the answer was "no". That's all. just "no". I even made him meet with Kristi LaSalle just to talk to her about it. When he came home from school, his answer was still "no". And that's when I finally gave up.

My boys love Kristi and have never ONCE talked about quitting! How can that be? It can be SO difficult to work in practice time. I've even brought up the 'Q' word a few times because I thought they just had too much on their plates. But they kept on.

And that makes me so happy!

The recital was great. So many talented kids and a wonderful teacher. Sam and his cousins gave super performances. Sam had one 'hiccup' (or maybe a burp) during his performance but recovered like a trooper.

I tried to upload the video of his performance but no luck.  I'll try again later.

It's June.  A little less running and structure.  Just what we all need.

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