Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Fall Days

Ben's tree continues to produce hundreds of apples each year.  Many fell on the ground this year. . . perhaps  due to the dry weather?  They make wonderful applesauce (which I enjoy making) and apple pies (which I don't like to make).

Fall colors seemed more intense this year.

soothing colors of tan, green, brown...

kids come home from college . . .

There are not too many things better than new potatoes from the garden.  I never take for granted this gift from our Earth.

Evenings in the yard become shorter as Fall progresses.

It's time to tidy the yard, put pots away, and plant the last of the perennials that still linger in pots. My motivation is very low during this time of year.  I have endless energy in the Spring and can accomplish a lot. I feel like resting now.  

Friday, October 19, 2012

christmas card?

There may will come a point in time when trying to take a picture of 3 big boys for the annual Christmas card becomes impossible.  Bigness and silliness interfere with the smooth execution of this project. 

I know the day is coming.  Looking at these pictures, the day may be closer than I think!

Silly boys and their exasperated mama . . . but I am unrelenting.  This has been a part of my experience as a mother for the past 20 years.  And like it or not, I will get my picture:)

They took a little break from their silliness to love up Copper . . .

Now I start to lose them.  I managed to get about 20 pictures and one will have to do!  As silly and unenthusiastic as they are, they also know that this is important to their parents.  They tolerate it as long as they can stand it. :)  . . . silly, sweet boys.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

first days of Fall

This was one of the last blooms on my Victory Rose bush.  So lovely.

 One of the many gorgeous Fall evenings.

 As I was sitting on the patio, I noticed the way the light wrapped itself around this sweet plant.

 I love roses.

 It took many, many years of gardening before I came to appreciate this amazing flower.

 . . . beautiful jalepenos

Grandma Sherry and Dennis sent home some pumpkins for us.  Sometimes I look at an image or an arrangement and it immediately becomes a photo in my mind . . . and then I race in for my camera and capture it.

I love Fall but I do mourn the passing of summer.  I cling to it until the very end.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Henley Roger

Welcome, baby Henley!  Zach and Alissa brought their beautiful baby boy home last week.  Oh my gosh, he is so cute:)

. . . and that makes my a brother a grandpa (!!) and I'm a great-aunt!

life is good:)


Monday, October 1, 2012

more Danielle

...another recent post from Danielle LaPorte

"I have never met someone who is living a bold and successful life--and by successful I mean prosperous, kind, and in touch with the meaningfulness of what they?re doing -- who has apologized for being perfectionistic, mercurial, unrelenting, or whatever their slightly controversial hallmark characteristics are.

You will always be too much of something for someone: too big, too loud, too soft, too edgy. If you round out your edges, you lose your edge.

Apologize for mistakes. Apologize for unintentionally hurting someone -- profusely. But don't apologize for being who you are."

I constantly refer to Danielle Laporte and her thoughts on living and passion.  This post stopped me in my tracks. Her edgey and honest style continues to draw me in. We are uniquely designed and gifted. . . "if you round out your edges, you lose your edge".   Her ideas aren't necessarily unique but the way she guides the practical application is.  Her words are liberating. . . "you will always be too much for someone".  And the way she connects kindness, generosity, and meaningfulness with success is inspiring.