Saturday, September 7, 2013


Isaac and I were cleaning out his room over Labor Day Weekend.  I love Labor Day weekend.  We almost NEVER go anywhere and it's heaven.  After a full summer of activities, hanging out at home is perfect.  And historically, it was the weekend we prepared for back-to-school.  Well, that little ritual ended when the boys were in about 4th grade.  After that, there was no joy in preparing so we just waited it out -- no back to school shopping, no cleaning out backpacks . . .  nothing.  We just braced ourselves for the first day and jumped in.

Anyway, our cleaning had an easiness and purpose.  Sam was moving into Ben's old bedroom and Isaac would have his own room.  Motivation was high. :)  Isaac is deliberate and thorough.  And so I love to clean and organize with Isaac.

As we cleaned and sorted, we would often linger over mementos and keepsakes. . . the $2 bill tucked in a drawer from grandpa Marv, Pokemon cards, pictures from kindergarten, medals from basketball tournaments, and on and on.  Any DVDs, PS games, or CDs were surely opened and checked for contents.  They were often empty and so the search would begin for the missing disk.

Isaac picked up a CD case and opened it.  "Mom", he said.  I stopped what I was doing after the first request. . . we weren't in a hurry.  "Look", he said.  Inside the case, on the back of the cover was this amazing image.  "Isn't that cool", he said.  It was wonderful!  And my boy knew how much I'd appreciate such a beautiful image and magical words.

"I love it", I said.

"I know", he said.

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