Monday, December 24, 2012


It's Christmas Eve morning.  The house is messy, Sam has a bad cold, I still have a couple of errands to run, gifts to wrap, and a meal to think about for tomorrow night.  This could be a formula for a crabby mood.  It has happened before!
Despite the long list of things to do, I feel thankful.  I'm grateful for my small, cozy house.  I'm thankful that my kids are healthy with the occasional cold that is really just an annoyance.  I'm thankful for jobs and the means to buy what we need...what we want.  I'm thankful for gifts under the tree that express our love.  I'm thankful for good food and family to share it with.
I'm especially thankful for the imperfect, unselfish, and generous men I live with. 
As we prepare for this joyous season, I'm thankful for my son who asks, "What about Joseph?". 
His question caused us to think about the man who doesn't get talked about very much.  Mary would carry the Savior of our world and Jesus would Save us.  But what about Joseph? 
 A few days after this conversation with my son, I was reading a meditation for December.  It described the important role of Joseph . . .
 "When Joseph awoke, he did as the angel of the Lord had commanded him." (Matthew 1:24). 
The meditation goes on . . . "Matthew doesn't record any of Joseph's words in reply to the angel.  All we see is his simple obedience . . . Joseph accepted the responsibility of naming the child (Matthew 1:21, 25), an act that established him legally as Jesus' father.  Though he was begotten by the Holy Spirit and born of a virgin, Jesus was Joseph's child.  This humble, faithful carpenter fully embraced his role as guardian and teacher, father and guide, to the eternal Son of God . . . Without Joseph, the Virgin and her child would be exposed, vulnerable to gossip and attack.  And most important, without Joseph, Mary's child would be missing a vital image of his heavenly Father--an image of steadfastness, justice, faithfulness, and love." The Word Among Us
Yesterday, We were looking through a beautiful calendar of paintings by Del Parsons.  I remember loving these paintings as a child.  I love this particular image of Joseph and Jesus. . . the watchful and loving parent. 
and then Sam added this beautiful song to his Christmas playlist by Mercy Me . . . "Joseph's Lullaby".  I found a moving video illustrating the inspiring message. 

Interesting how our thoughts and experiences these past few days lingered on Joseph . . . "an image of steadfastness, justice, faithfulness, and love".

Merry Christmas!

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