Monday, March 12, 2012

end of a season

The last regular season basketball game for the Prowlers was played at the Ralph.

Bittersweet season for this mama.  There are a lot of reasons for my feelings.

I can never recall the score following a game or even tell you what our record is.  It's a little embarrassing --- I just don't easily 'file away' that kind of data. I don't know stats but I can tell you what I "thought" of the game... did they play as a team, did they box out, did they rebound well, did they pass, etc.  I can give you an opinion on those things.  And then after a week or so it's a blur.

But the feelings linger and are difficult to describe... I'm fiercely loyal and committed.  That devotion may blur my ability to be objective.  Maybe?  Maybe not.

And then the season is over.  Don't ask me any questions about stats.  Ask me what I thought of the season.  Ask me what I think of our team.  And then let me ask some questions because I feel confused.  Like I said, this mama is struggling.  And in and out of all that, I will tell you how much I love this game and the exceptional boys that play it.

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