Saturday, January 4, 2014


I just started reading the book, "Quiet", by Susan Cain.  It's wonderful.

Ben read it about a year ago after I stumbled across a 'pinned' quote by Susan Cain.  After some googling, we ended up watching a TED talk on introverts, presented by Cain.  Everyone should watch it!  We were hooked and amazed by her insight and really life-changing ideas about introverts.

I am dying to write more of my thoughts (and I have a ton of them!) but I'm going to share my absolute favorite part so far --  "The Myth of Charismatic Leadership". . .

"Indeed, according to a famous study by the influential management theorist Jim Collins, many of the best-performing companies of the late twentieth century were run by what he calls "Level 5 Leaders."  These  exceptional CEOs were known not for their flash or charisma but for extreme humility coupled with intense professional will. . . "

. . .   extreme humility
. . . intense professional will