Thursday, May 30, 2013


It finally came.  Graduation day.  

Sam and Isaac took off for school... Sam's last day of school.  He looked at me in his rear view mirror and waved.  I felt the familiar lump in my throat and my eyes filled with tears. . .

A scene I wouldn't see again. . .

We made it to the Recognition Assembly.  Lots of awards. . . the tennis team was honored.

3-sport Senior athletes were honored.

And it begins.  I sat in the arena wondering how we got to this point.  It didn't feel real.  

Sam spotted us:)  

The band sounded awesome.  Isaac is in the middle playing his trumpet.

Each Senior handed Mr. Zutz a lego piece as they shook his hand.  The last student gave him the directions to a lego car that he would build with all the pieces he received :)

A congratulations hug from Mr. Reynolds. . .  Sam will miss him so much.

What a good feeling to see family all around you. . .

What did Sam call this?  photo-bombing??  haha!

Grandpa Don and Jo. . .

friends. . .

what would we do without Grandma. . .

. . . more friends

 what a great hug. . . I'm going to miss these kids so much.

. . . to quote Sam, "there is nothing like a gang of little boys". :)

. . . Sam's turn!

. . . Henley and Grandpa Jeff :)

blessed by their presence. . .

. . . good friends

“How did it get so late so soon? It's night before it's afternoon. December is here before it's June. My goodness how the time has flewn. How did it get so late so soon?”  -- Dr. Seuss

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

". . . create by relating deeply"

Love these ideas from Danielle's Blog. . . I highlighted the areas that strongly resonate with me:)

What’s your Creativity Pattern?

As artists (and we’re all artists) we have patterns of creating. A way that we typically make things happen. A style in which we pull ideas down from the ethers and put them into form. It takes a while to figure out what your pattern of creativity is. You need to have cranked out a few projects, raised a few babies, made a few flops and masterpieces to have something to ‘retrospect’ on.

Styles of creating, in no particular order, with no superiority to each other:

Pounds at possibilities like a stick on a piƱata until it rains down candies of goodness.
Plods like an ox and patiently awaits the harvest.
Falls in love again and again with ideas and people and keeps falling in love every time.
Dances with harmony, always looking for the most beautiful solution and energetic alignment.
Moves mountains no matter what listening to heavy metal or Madam Butterfly cranked in the background.
Stops ‘n starts. Rushes in.
Studies. Awaits providence.
Sticks to the plan. Plans big. Has no plans.
Yields. Pushes. Paints it red. Sets it on fire.
As for me, I’m the fool who rushes into creative love. I create when I resonate. As Mumford & Sons puts it, “I will love with urgency, but not with haste.” I wait, I wait, I wait — patient as a cat in the sun — for the right collaborator, for the God Blessed Right Idea, and then BAM. It’s game on. Full on, right away, tight deadlines and all hands on deck. Run with the gold.
I’ve judged my Creativity Pattern over the years — and believe me, it’s been judged by my collaborators.Overly selective. Too impulsive. Too fast. I should have a five-year plan, and, you know, some goals. But everything great I’ve done shows evidence of the same rhythm. Selective impulsivity works for me in all kinds of ways.
I’ve polished my pattern over time. My launch dates are more humane. (Kinda.) I’m more patient. (Debatable.) But mostly, I’ve gotten clear that I create by relating deeply — deeply, with an idea, and with the people who can lift up those ideas. Like I said, Fool For Love and proud of it.
When you identify your Creativity Pattern you’ve got a very powerful opportunity: Change the way you get stuff done because it’s killing you, or keep mastering your tao of doing because it’s getting you beautiful results across the board.