Saturday, September 29, 2012

mumford and sons

It's here.  It's wonderful.
Ben brought home his preordered copy and a vinyl, too!  We listened to the entire album the night he came home and then again the next evening.   
Their music is more than just sound for us.  It has become a kind of presence. . . settling inside of us.  As easy as conversation. . . like breathing.

Monday, September 17, 2012


10Having trouble viewing this email? Click here
daily truthbomb


Make three outlandish wishes right now. Write them down quickly. Smile -- you have a secret with the universe.




We all have some version of "I'm not worthy" embedded in our psyches.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

t r u t h b o m b

I'm sharing Danielle's   Truthbomb #106

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daily truthbomb
This will make some of you sweat. Here goes: Underachieve. Just try it for a few days, or for a project. Practice not over-working, over-delivering, or over-thinking. You may free up stress, time, and your true desires. Your chilled-out effort may prove to be perfectly awesome.

This idea is so intriguing.  It has nothing to do with not doing your best. . . my youngest son shared such a wonderful insight about this very idea.  We were discussing something and he suggested that we quit thinking and talking about about it because "thinking too much wrecks it...lets just do it".  I will never forget it.  Spontaneity, creativity, and joy can be lost when we think things to death.  love this. 

I just pinned this the other day... 

pinned from this source

". . .Your chilled-out effort may prove to be perfectly awesome."

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

4 dinner plates

It's suppertime and I grab 4 plates.  It causes me to pause for just a second.  Not 5 plates.  4.  It was 5 over the summer and now we are back to 4.  It shouldn't feel unusual.  This is Ben's 2nd year at NDSU and I should be used to 4 plates by now.  But I'm not. 

And then I get a call from Isaac. . . my baby.  He is going to stay at school after football practice and watch the volleyball game.  What?  Why?  I'm confused for a few seconds.  And then I think, "of course you are".

Strange days.  Not bad, just different.  To quote Lord of the Rings, "How did it come to this?".  :) That's exactly what when through my mind. . . funny.


Monday, September 10, 2012

imagine dragons

Sam is hooked on the alternative group, "Imagine Dragons", and now I'm really liking their interesting style.  Their new album was released last Wednesday and it is so much fun!  I like a lot of their songs but there are 3 that stand out.  

When I listen to "Demons" I'm thinking, "yeah, this is my favorite".

Then I listen to "Bleeding Out" and think, "THIS one is my favorite."

...and then I listen to "Hear Me" and it is declared my favorite!

...Sam just smiles and rolls his eyes:)

Friday, September 7, 2012


I have published 100 posts!  I realized the other day that I was getting close and hoped I would remember to celebrate on the day or close to it!

So, actually, this is post number 101.  

Wow.  And I'm amazed not only by the number of posts I composed and published...

...but how effortless it was to achieve that.  But then I wasn't trying to achieve anything...I was creating.  Maybe that's why it felt effortless.  I was creating.  And loving every minute.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

2012 cross country meet

TRF hosted their home Cross Country meet on August 28.  Sam relaxes a bit before the varsity boys run.

The boys warmed up prior to their 5000  meter run.

Grandma Sherry and Dennis wish Sam "Good Luck"...

...and the boys take off!

Here comes Sam...


He finished strong!

You could see the strain and fatigue.  I was thankful he did so well!

Sam did awesome!  He took 5th place overall and 2nd for the Prowlers!
A hug from grandma at the finish line...

Sam's buddy Devin...they ran such a good race!

Could you find more adoring fans?!

Sam got a medal for placing 5th! 

Sam works hard and it paid off.  We are so proud of his performance and commitment.