The "fun" began last week when the student council 'kidnapped' the Homecoming Court, including Sam, one of the Junior attendants. At 4:50 a.m. (A.M.!!), a group of high schoolers snuck into our house (I was informed the night before that they would be coming), went upstairs, crept into Sam's bedroom and then banged on pans and screamed at the top of their lungs! I could hear nonstop laughter and figured out that Sam had fallen out of bed! And all of this was captured on film. :) They drove around after that and picked up a few more kids. Then they headed to McDonald's. This picture is Sam after school--still in his pajamas!
Homecoming Court 2011
Sam escorted Amanda Sturgeon.
Sam and his cousin, Adam, one of the Senior Candidates.
Look closely. There is Sam in the middle of the stage with the rest of the court, dancing and celebrating at the end of the coronation! It's the beginning of a fun week.